Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Call You Sister

I heard this Rachel McKibbens poem on the Indiefeed podcast ages ago and was so moved by it that I play it at least every month. The whole piece is wicked good, but the last portion (which I've included below) especially speaks to me and is about the strong bond between true BFFs. I wont get all sappy on ya'll, but...yeah. I have some awesome "sisters" in my life!

Excerpt from Untitled Poem For a Girl
BY Rachel McKibbens

though we did not crack from the same troubled womb,
i call you sister
and if ever you should appear on my door step
heart, torn fresh from her roots
understand, i would then break my own
and offer you the other half
though we live so far apart
we live together all the same

refusing to shrink our voices to fit smaller minds
ladelineg Opheliacs from rivers with our bare hands
to teach their warn, heavy souls
to float
welding our skins with beeswax and gathered lightening
we are the women, who are willing to love alone in the dark
lock our hearts in each others' chests
and touch
like our fingers invented it

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