Monday, October 18, 2010

Girls and Boys. Who Should Make the 1st Move?

I wrote this a while back and finally decided to share. It's a piece about pursuit. The delicate dance between men and women. The pre-dating purgatory of I-like-you-but-I'm-still not-sure-you-like-me. Ugh! Stuck in one of those places right now. Maybe I'll have some good news for you in a few weeks :)

It's stressful and crazy on both sides, I'm sure, but I always think it's worst for the women. Culture commands that we be dainty ladies, waiting for "him" to step forward. And so, we pine...we sit patiently and hope he gets a clue before we wither into nothing!

My guy buds always ask, "Well, why don't you ask him out?" Um...what? Cuz that's not how it's done, son. Call me old fashioned. Maybe I'm setting back the struggle by a million years, but I will never make the first move again. Been there. Done that. That story never ends well.

If he's too chicken to tell you he's interested, that sort of foolish cowardice will, undoubtedly, enter your relationship and force you into the loony bin. As I said, been there. Done that. I'll encourage him, for sure, but the first move is up to him. I didn't make the rules, friends. I obey them to the letter :)

Anyway...the poem. It's a short and sweet piece. Let me know what you think.

I Will do the Rest
BY Susan Baba

If you would only outstretch your hand
Uncross your arms and reach for me
No florishes
No prose
No need to even step forward
If you would simply outstretch your hand
show that you have that same longing
that I too have hid for so long
I will do the rest


  1. this is only possible with someone whom you've known for a minute...or God.

    Imagine if everyman who found you beautiful...extended their'd then prefer the unrequited love.

    I would stretch my hand for you S :)
