Monday, October 18, 2010

Get Mad about Something That Matters!!

I normally don't like to dedicate my blog to ranting because I'm really committed to the cause of spreading poetry and creative expression and I don't like negativity on my page...but some things just rub me so wrong that I have to speak up.

Ok. So, Kohls, one of the largest department store chains in the country, just came out with a "ghetto fab wig" and the Internets is all a-twitter about it. Heck! Twitter has been all a Twitter about it. As a proud natural, I guess I should be more upset about wig, ::shoulder shrug:: I agree. It is way tasteless and more than a little racially insensitive, but for real...Aren't there bigger things to be get upset about, good people?

Every natural hair, black entertainment, and urban site on the web is freaking out and I can't help but be disappointed in my people. I'm not going to lie. If this were a couple of years ago, I would have been raging too. "How dare Kohl's insult my beautiful, nappy locks??

But, nowadays, I try to reserve my rage for the things that make God angry. I want the things the breaks God's heart to break mine too. Jesus is probably rolling his eyes at this ghetto-fab afro fiasco. But -
the unemployment rate,
the fact that 1/50 children are homeless in America,
that more than 10 percent of all black males ages 25-29 are in prison in the US,
that kids are killing themselves daily because they think their lives have no value,
that kids are killing other kids in schools,
that kids are having kids themselves,

I'm sure that straight breaks his heart. Let's get mad about those things, instead.

1 comment:

  1. Get your priorities straight black people!

    I've resigned myself when it comes to understanding people & their momentary rage.

    But I am with you on this...funny how no rage is evoked when confronted with those stats you've posted.
