Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guess Who's Back!!

Hello my lovelies

Sorry for seriously slacking on the blog. I could make the excuse of boy drama, work drama, and all around life drama, but suffice it to say that I was otherwise preoccupied.

I have finally emerged from the most un-creative five months of my entire life and am ready to hop back into this poetry game:) Even though the first chills of fall are starting, I feel like a plant, freshly budding. it's spring in my mind!

I'm ready to post more stuff that I have written, highlight great stuff that friends have written, and generally share my love of words with the world.

Thanks for the patience as I get back in the swing of things.

much love


  1. Hey goodlooking!
    Finally, thought for a minute there you had writer's block:-).

  2. good to have you back.
