Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Result of Googling...

I recently found this poem, while googling "African Poetry." Most of it was...ok...but this one especially caught my attention. It kind of has the tone of the poem I recently posted, so of course I had to snag it. I have a soft spot in my heart for children and the craziness that they endure at the hands of irresponsible adults. This poem speaks of the sad violation of a young child...without being too explicit.

no author, but still very good. what do you thing?


I watched you roll
Roll from one side of the bed
To the other, and still
The clock chimes once.

I watch you sit and hum
Hum unintelligible tones
As mountains of tobacco
Disappear into your nostrils.

I watch your eyes
Fill with jerking tears
And your ears positioned
Intermittently to earth's pillars
Trying to place distant voices.

I try to cage my curiosity
But your crawling hands tap my chest
Papa, must I play this midnight encounter
To see the god's piercing eyes
And partake in this ancestral dialogue.

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