Thursday, April 22, 2010

When Earth Becomes An "It"

In honor of Earth Day, I wanted to share this very moving poem by the distingushed Native american author, poet, and educator Marilou Awiakta. This is a great reminder of how little respect we've been giving to "our mother." Show Momma Earth some loving today...and check out this cool campaign - One Million Acts of Green. it gives great tips on the small and large things that we can all do to make the earth a better place.


When Earth Becomes An "It"
BY Marilou Awiakta

When the people call Earth "Mother,"
they take with love
and with love give back
so that all may live.

When the people call Earth "it,"
they use her
consume her strength.
Then the people die.

Already the sun is hot
out of season.
Our Mother's breast
is going dry.
She is taking all green
into her heart
and will not turn back
until we call her
by her name.


  1. The earth is not my mother. My mother is Diane.

  2. you are such a nerd!! Diane is your birth mom, but the earth has cradled you since then:-)
